Things to do on Flinders Island
The key website for information on what to do when visiting Flinders Island is Visit Flinders Island.
To find out what is happening on the Island either download the app https://flindersisland.app published by the Flinders Island Council or buy a copy of 'The Island News' from Bowman's General Store www.facebook.com/bowmansstore/.
Activities to consider organising or at least investigating before you arrive
Boat Charter and 4WD Tours
Latitude Charters is available for half day, full day or multi day trips or charters for up to 8 people. To make an enquiry please contact Aaron Daw on 0409 031 438.
Explore the outer islands or go on a luxury 4WD tour with Flinders Island Adventures www.flindersisland.com.au/.
Chris Rhodes www.rockjawtours.com.au will take you fishing or to Vansittart Island for a history tour.
Scenic Helicopter Flights
Unique Charters offers scenic flights around the Island. To enquire or make a booking call 03 6359 3641.
Flinders Island Dive www.facebook.com//FIDive/ owner operator, Mike Nicholls, offers diving, snorkeling and fishing tours including equipment hire. Call Mike on 0428 598 529. Mike is one of your best options for catching a crayfish.

Food & Drinks
Places to shop for food and drinks:
In Whitemark Walkers Supermarket and Flinders Island Meats as well as the Interstate Hotel which has a small bottle shop.
In Lady Barron the Lady Barron Store 11 Henwood St, Lady Barron 03 6359 3503 which is open 7 days a week but with limited hours on weekends and public holidays.
Other options include:
On Island Time operates a larder www.onislandtime.com.au/thelarder at the Flinders Wharf.
There is a roadside stall selling fresh vegetables, herbs and fruit in season. Look out for the open sign.
There is a weekly produce market on a Saturday morning in Whitemark.
Places to eat and drink around Whitemark:
The Interstate Hotel www.facebook.com/FlindersIslandInterstateHotel/ including The Corner Cafe which is open for coffee and breakfast
Flinders Island Bakery www.facebook.com/fibakery/
Cate Cooks https://www.facebook.com/tuckshopfi/
Sunday lunch at Mountain Seas Restaurant at Trousers Point. For bookings 0429 527 355.
The Missing Goose between the post office and the Flinders Wharf. Call 0420 217 317.
Dinner on Sunday at the Sports and RSL Club. For bookings call Liz 0418 924 853.
Sunday morning bagels in the Cube nest to the Missing Goose.​
... and in Lady Barron the Furneaux Tavern and Kipli Restaurant http://furneauxtavern.com.au/kipli/
Check the app https://flinders.glideapp.io/ for the current operating times for food venues on the Island.
Some Flinders Island producers and products to try and which are available at Walkers Supermarket:
Brymworth Farm Garlic https://www.facebook.com/Brymworth-Farm-161849803910986/
Blue Rocks Soap https://bluerockssoaps.com/
Flinders Island Olive Oil www.flindersislandoliveoil.com
Activities requiring you to book or make an appointment
(and if you only have limited time on the Island it might be worthwhile enquiring before you arrive)
Furneaux Distillery Tour
Furneaux Distillery has recently relocated from the Flinders Wharf in Whitemark to a purpose built facility at Sawyer's Bay just off the Palana Road. Visit the distillery for a tour, tasting and bottle sale. To book email hello@furneauxdistillery.com.au or call 0438 025 705.
Diamond fossicking
Killiecrankie diamonds are clear, ice blue and pink gold. The best places to look for the diamonds are Mines Creek, Diamond Creek and selected places on Killiecrankie Bay at low tide. Hire a sieve and shovel from Killiecrankie Enterprises www.killiecrankieenterprises.com.au
Thai Yoga Massage
For bookings and enquiries please contact Heidi Marshall at 0417 765 723.
Kate Mooney, at Emita, rescues orphaned wombats. To make an appointment to visit Kate text, only, 0427 598 542 ... and please consider making a donation.
Unavale Vineyard
Visit Unavale https://unavale.com.au/ for:
Wine tastings and sales
Grazing platters amongst the vines.
Vineyard tours.
No bookings are required for wine tastings. Bookings are preferred for a grazing platter. To book contact Cassie on 0407 939 283 or Barry on 0438 031 115.
Wellness Class
For bookings and enquiries please contact Kathleen on 0428 212 751.
Sandro Donati www.facebook.com/Sandro-Donati-Gold-and-Silversmith-635855789758857/ has a workshop and gallery in Whitemark opposite the Flinders Wharf. You might tkae the chance and just drop in but to be sure of catching Sandro call 0429 383 375.
Golf and Bowls
Contact Flinders Island Sports & RSL Club 33 Esplanade, Whitemark 03 6359 2070 ​​

In and around Killiecrankie
Killiecrankie foreshore
The foreshore is a great place to spend some time. It is the 'busy' hub of Killiecrankie. There is a sheltered free gas bbq, toilets and plenty of seating. It is the place where the locals come to launch their boats.
At sunset on a calm, clear day it provides a great vantage point to watch the exquisite colour changes on the slopes of Mt Killiecrankie.
Walking and beachcombing
In the Killiecrankie area we will provide you with detailed information about the walks you can do most of which start when you walk out the door of your accommodation in Nautilus. You can rock hop to Deep Bite, climb Killiecrankie Bluff and Mt Killiecrankie, walk the length of Killiecrankie Beach, visit Stackys Bight or walk the coast from the Dock to Killiecrankie.
Flinders Island is famed for it's number of beaches and the chance, when you are on a beach, that you are likely to be the only one there. Apart from the long expanse of Killiecrankie beach, a jewel in the Flinders crown, there are close by the smaller and more intimate beaches of Stacky's Bight and just out the front and to the west of Nautilus a small shell laden beach which is also a favourite spot for 'diamond' fossickers.
Swimming and snorkelling
Good places for swimming and snorkelling include at the access to Killiecrankie beach, the gulch, between the rocky island and the foreshore, the Slipway (to the west of Nautilus and just before the next house), up the far end of Killiecrankie Beach at the end of the sand and at Stacky's Bight.
And Killiecrankie is paradise for photographers particularly the late afternoon light but endless opportunities in sweeping dramatic scenes as well as the details of what is washed up on the beaches.
Just as on Flinders Island more generally there is an abundance of wildlife at Killiecrankie much of which can be seen from Nautilus including, wallabies, wombats, echidnas, possums, wedge tailed eagles, sea eagles, cape barren geese, firetail finhces, blue and fairy wrens, snakes, dolphins and even whales.
Sunsets and full moon rise
I have heard that full moon rise over Killiecrankie Bay is the most romantic sight on Earth. Well, Ok, a local said that but it is a truly beautiful sight to watch the full moon rise over the mountains to the east and hang as a large golden disc in the sky softly illuminating the bay.
Just being here
Nautilus is not just a place to stay while you explore Flinders Island. Nautilus, because of its location, its facilities and its ambience, it is a delightful place to be.
Further afield
Bush and coastal walking
Flinders Island is a paradise for bush and coastal walking with walks ranging from easy to challenging. Pick up a tear off map from Parks and Wildlife or Bowman's General Store.
Visit the Furneaux Museum at Emita www.furneauxmuseum.org.au
Bowman’s History Room traces the origins of the Island’s oldest continuously trading store E M Bowman & Co. www.discovertasmania.com.au/attraction/bowmanhistoryroom
At Wybalenna Chapel reflect on the past history of the Tasmanian Aborigines and the current strong Aboriginal community on Flinders Island www.flinders.tas.gov.au/furneaux-history
Check for exhibitions at the Strait Work Gallery www.facebook.com/FurneauxCommunityArts/
Have a picnic
There are numerous picnic places on the island with picnic tables and great views. At Nautilus we provide well equipped picnic baskets, a thermos and an esky for you to use. Pack a lunch or dinner and choose your spot … Killiecrankie Beach, Palana, North East River …
Go fishing
You don’t need a licence for rod and line fishing in marine waters on Flinders Island. Licences are required for abalone and rock lobster. Check the requirements and find out where to get a licence at www.fishing.tas.gov.au/licence.
Flinders Island has a mixture of natural bushland and rural land with an abundance of wildlife.
From Jan to April at the Settlement Point viewing platform at Port Davies, watch millions of Shearwaters fly in at dusk. www.discovertasmania.com.au/attraction/settlementpointviewing or
Visit Patriarch Wildlife Sanctuary www.discovertasmania.com.au/attraction/thepatriarchwildlife
In the mid to late afternoon go wombat spotting either side of the road at the entrance to Palana.​​​​​

Self contained accommodation Flinders Island